Using your gifts to serve
Here at Riverside, we strive to place intentional disciple-makers in relational spaces so we can make and send disciples who love and live like Jesus. One way for you to be intentional is to serve on one of our ministry teams. Whether it’s helping kids and students learn about Jesus, greeting first-time guests, or pitching in behind the scenes in our worship services, every volunteer is making a difference and lives are being changed!
Getting involved is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Guest Services
Volunteers in Guest Services specialize in hospitality, helping people feel like they belong at Riverside. From the moment a person steps onto our campus until the time they leave, Guest Services helps people feel at home. Guest Services offers opportunities to serve before, during, and after all of our Sunday services.
Still Not Sure?
If you're not sure where to start, let us know and someone will be in touch with you to help you take your next step in serving.